Sunday, September 25, 2022

My Grandma is a Feminist Icon

My Grandma is a Feminist Icon

A feminist icon can simply be described as a powerful woman, a person who you can look up to and admire, and that is what my grandmother is. She has lived an incredible life and seems to be expert at many things (with the exception of setting up a google doc). I am not a Sally Davidson expert, but I have witnessed enough to say that she is an icon. She was a successful psychiatric nurse and career woman, but also a successful mother and grandmother. As I have grown up, I have come to realize how much she has dedicated her life to other people. From the moment my brother and I were born, there was going to be no crying at Nana's house. She went out of her way to make sure we had plenty of toys, shows, and food so that her house was always going to be a happy place. As her own mother got older, she made sure every aspect of her final years were taken care of and even formed relationships with nurses and caregivers working at my great grandmother’s. My grandmother is a rare type of person, someone anyone would be lucky to meet. 

Nana Davidson seems to be an expert in so many fields. She is truly a girlboss for that. She is an incredibly amazing person to talk to. She listens and always knows how to respond in any situation. She is the type of person to always be prepared. If you need gum, a wet wipe, a snack, or literally anything, she will have it. One thing which amazes me every time is her involvement with animals. One second she could be judging at a dog show and the next she will be assisting in the birth of lambs (my grandparents own sheep which is pretty cool). Her other skills include single handedly piecing together our family history through old documents and other artifacts and decorating her home to reflect each holiday and season as it comes. Sally Davidson is an incredible woman and it is safe to say she is a feminist icon. To conclude the blog post I have included a picture of her and my late great-grandmother meeting and having a quick chat with Barack Obama. 


  1. I think people often forget that a feminist icon doesn't have to be someone famous. A feminist icon can be anyone who has influenced people, and it's safe to say your grandmother has had an influence on others. Sometimes people discredit women for taking care of a family, but it is hard work, and your grandma should be commended.

  2. I love your blog. Like Khadeejah said, you’ve really highlighted that anyone could be a feminist icon, and from what you’ve said, your grandma definitely seems to be one. She seems amazing, and she’s met Barack Obama, so I feel like she must be. Plus, I find her ownership of sheep especially cool––I’m a big sheep fan.

  3. Anyone that can withstand watching an animal give birth is a feminist icon in my eyes! Your post was a very refreshing read, as it reminded me that those around us (like family members, friends, other people idk) can also be icons. The simple act of inspiring one person is enough to make you a feminist icon. Good post!

  4. I like how you define a feminist as anyone you can look up to. The fact that your grandma seems to have continued doing what she loves and excelling at it all throughout her life just adds to the girlboss-ness. Awesome post & your grandma seems like a great woman and feminist icon!

  5. I really like the idea you pushed throughout the post, that you don't have to be famous or someone with a massive following to be an icon, just someone you admire and look up to, and I wish that more people would think about this when choosing their idols. It doesn't need to be someone everyone knows at all but someone you know has your respect. Good post!


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